The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč

In the small Croatian town of Poreč, most visitors come for the beaches and the bars. But there’s something much more important to see!

Written by Michael Turtle

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle. A journalist for more than 20 years, he's been travelling the world since 2011.

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle and has been travelling full time for a decade.


Visiting the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč

With the first church built here in the 4th century, the basilica is one of Europe’s finest intact examples of Byzantine art.

It's quite easy to find and doesn't take too long to walk through, but you'll get more out of a visit to the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč if you know what to expect.

The small Croatian seaside town of Poreč was just what I needed – I just didn’t quite realise that until I arrived.

The thing with travelling constantly is that sometimes you don’t need to be anywhere in particular, you just have to be somewhere. I found myself in one of those situations in this case.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

I needed to end up in Venice but I had a spare week between my previous commitment and then. So, I looked at a map to see what was close and, rather randomly, chose somewhere to spend the time.

Poreč was the answer.

I had never heard of it before. I don’t think many people have – at least, nobody who didn’t live in the region. Most of the other visitors were from other parts of Croatia or neighbouring countries like Italy.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

Tourists who come from further afield tend to head to the better-known coastal spots of Croatia – like nearby Pula, the charming island of Hvar, or the crowded Dubrovnik.

But Poreč’s lack of international fame is one of the reasons it’s so charming. It certainly has a big tourism industry – don’t imagine a sleepy fishing village – but it’s managed to avoid the overdevelopment and crowds of other places.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

Along the coastline in either direction from the centre of town are large hotels. But, rather than being a blight on the natural environment, they mostly create a pleasant atmosphere.

That’s because a public path goes along the shoreline between the hotels and the water, and the area around it has been landscaped to create a peaceful and uninterrupted track that I use for a run each morning.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

There are gorgeous beaches – some large and obvious, some smaller and hidden amongst the forest.

And boat trips regularly take visitors out on cruises to see dolphins, stop at islands, or just drink on the water.

If you’re interested in joining one of them, there’s this fun evening trip to spot dolphins, or there are some other great cruises here:

But there’s more than just the sun, sand, and water here.

From the coastal path at the northern end of town, you can look back and see Poreč Old Town sticking out into the water. The most striking of the buildings in this endearing skyline is the Euphrasian Basilica – and it turns out to be a godsend for me.

History of the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč

As I mentioned, I chose to come to Poreč randomly, with very little research or planning. It wasn’t until I arrived that I realised there was actually a World Heritage Site here and, as you probably know, I am on a mission to see every site on the World Heritage List.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

The site in question is the Euphrasian Basilica – a rather small yet very impressive complex of buildings in the middle of the Old Town.

The basilica is one of Europe’s finest intact examples of Byzantine art – which you’ll really appreciate when you go inside and see some of the decorations.

If you’re interested in the story of the basilica and the heritage of Poreč more broadly, I would recommend this private walking tour of the Old Town.

Not only is it an impressive site for the art and architecture, it’s also an incredible example of early Christianity in this part of the world.

The first church was built here in the 4th century, when Christianity was first established in the area. It was quite a simple house, though, and there was soon need for something bigger as the congregation grew.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

A more substantial basilica was built on the site in the 5th century, but the main transformation (which you see mainly see today) took place in the 6th century.

This was when a man called Bishop Euphrasius undertook an ambitious expansion project. It’s for him that the church was named the Euphrasian Basilica.

Bishop Euphrasius wanted something that would rival the beautiful churches of Ravenna, with the main church building that core of that dream, reflecting the Byzantine style of the time with the elaborate mosaics.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

What is really impressive about visiting the Euphrasian Basilica today is that most of what you see is still from the 6th century.

Right through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the church remained an important religious centre and so it never fell into disrepair. Even though rulers like the Venetians and the Habsburgs left their mark on the site, they didn’t make any major changes to its structure.

In the 19th century, there was a fair amount of restoration work, which is another reason why it has been quite well preserved. Today, it is still used for church services, even though there is an archaeological side to the site.

Things to see at Poreč’s Euphrasian Basilica

Although I keep referring to the site as the basilica, there’s actually more to it than that. There’s a whole complex of buildings that, although they’re all contained within the same walls, each have their own significant attributes.

The Atrium

When you arrive, the first thing you will see is the atrium. This beautiful open air courtyard has columns that were brought from Istanbul.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

From here, there is a suggested route that signs will lead you through. You don’t have many options so it makes sense just to follow the arrows.

The Baptistery

The next place you’ll be led to is the baptistery. It was built in the 5th century and these days is showing its age. At different times through history it may have been colourfully-decorated but it’s quite demure now.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

The baptistery is octagonal in shape and has a baptismal pool in the middle that is the shape of a hexagon.

The Bell Tower

From within the baptistery, you’ll be able to access the bell tower, which was built in 1522 when that became the trend in Middle Ages architecture. It’s 35 metres high so there’s a bit of a climb to the top but it’s not too bad.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

You get a magnificent view from the top of the tower across the Old Town of Poreč and along the coastline. It’s hard to imagine how imposing this tower would have been centuries ago when most of the land would have been undeveloped.

The Bishop’s Palace

Next, you will be directed to the Bishop’s Palace. This large building on the edge of the water has a vast hall where the bishop would once have accepted guests. The smaller rooms off to the side were for more private functions.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

These days, the space is used as a museum and there are a few interesting items to see here. However, I think the much more interesting artefacts are on the bottom floor, which is known as the Lapidary.

The Lapidary

Inside the lapidary on the ground floor of the Bishop’s Palace, you’ll see an incredible collection. It’s here that they keep some of the original mosaics from the floor that was here in the 4th and 5th centuries.

The room is quite dark and atmospheric and I found it quite amazing to be in here alone, looking at these beautifully-intricate pieces of art from more than 1500 years ago.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

You’ll also be able to see an altar in which the relics of Saints Mavro and Eleutherius are stored, and there’s also a stone throne from the beginning of the 9th century.

Archaeological Site

As you continue along the suggested route, you’ll pass through an outside area. On the ground is a large floor mosaic from an old building that no longer exists.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

It’s interesting to see but, as you’ll notice, it has no great protection. That’s because compared to the mosaics you’re about to see, this one is not nearly as precious.

The Basilica

Now, finally, you will come into the Euphrasian Basilica. This is, without a doubt, the highlight and the suggested tour has saved the best for last.

Take a moment to look around and soak in the grand design. For something that was built in the 6th century (and has had only minor upgrades over the years), it is incredible. It is thought to be the first church in the Western World to have three naves and three apses.

But then, look closely at the mosaic decorations here. It’s these features that make the basilica so significant and the best example in the world of the art and architecture of this period.

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

The mosaic images on the apses are full of symbolism and some of the scenes they depict are quite unusual. For instance, there’s the lamb representing Jesus, and you’ll see the Virgin Mary and her Assumption to Heaven.

But the most impressive of all is the depiction of Jesus with the Apostles, that just seems to still glitter and gleam all this centuries later.

Visiting the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč

It’s really easy to visit the Euphrasian Basilica when you’re in Poreč, so I recommend trying to make it here at some point.

It’s right in the centre of the Old Town and, although the streets are pedestrianised, it’s just a few minutes walk from the closest car park near the entrance to the historic district.

The basilica complex is relatively small but there are quite a few sections to go through. I would allocate about an hour to see it all properly (although you may find it takes less time if you’re not too focused on all the little details).

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč, Croatia

In many ways, visiting the Euphrasian Basilica is a representation of my whole visit to Poreč. Both are small and relatively-unknown, and I went into both with no expectations.

But this is such a significant site, you will definitely get more out of your visit if you know the important elements to look out for

If you’re interested in the story of the basilica and the heritage of Poreč more broadly, I would recommend this private walking tour of the Old Town.

Where is the Euphrasian Basilica?

The Euphrasian Basilica is in the centre of the historic town of Poreč, on the very north coast of Croatia (just 30 kilometres from the border with Slovenia).
The official address is Eufrazijeva ul. 22, 52440, Poreč.
You can see it on a map here.

How do you get to the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč?

The old town of Poreč is mostly closed to traffic, so you’ll need to walk to the Euphrasian Basilica from the nearest car park (which is only about three minutes away).
To get to Poreč by public transport, you can catch the ferry from Venice or Trieste, or take a bus from major cities in Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy. The closest train station is Pazin, about 30 kilometres away.

When is the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč open?

The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč is always closed Sundays. It’s open on the other days at the following times throughout the year:
January – February: 10:00 – 16:00 (closed Saturday)
March: 09:00 – 16:00
April – June: 09:00 – 18:00
July – August: 09:00 – 21:00
September: 09:00 – 19:00
October: 09:00 – 17:00
November – December: 10:00 – 14:00 (from 09:00 Saturday)

How much is entrance to the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč?

A full ticket for the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč costs 50 kn (US$7.15). A concession ticket is 25 kn (US$3.55).

I discovered that Poreč and the basilica have so much more to offer than I realised.

They are both so special in their own ways with real treasures to discover – treasures that are indefinably valuable but without any sense of pretentiousness.


There are some nice hotels in the historic centre but the big resorts are along the coastline either side of it.


There aren’t really any hostels but you’ll find cheap rooms at apartments like Vile Park Apartments.


A friendly guesthouse with a great pool, Gargamelo Pension is a good budget option


In a historic building right on the water, Boutique Hotel Mauro gives you the best of Porec.


And when it comes to luxury, the large modern Hotel Park Plava Laguna is one of the best in town!


This site is on the UNESCO World Heritage List!
I'm on a mission to visit as many World Heritage Sites as I can. Only about 800 more to go... eek!

3 thoughts on “The Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč”

    • Probably a lot of people who visit Porec don’t know anything about the World Heritage Site. The basilica is the main attraction in the historic centre but I guess many people are more interested in relaxing and don’t go looking for cultural activities. I understand that, but it’s a bit of a shame.


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