Inside the churches of the Italian city of Ravenna, the artworks that cover the spaces radiate colour. This is not accidental.
These religious buildings were being built around the 5th and 6th centuries and painting would normally have been the way to decorate a wall back then. There are certainly plenty of ancient frescoes around Italy for us to know what that looked like.
But the problem with painting is that it eventually fades. It needs to be restored or it loses its colours and its sharpness, becoming nothing more than a shadow of an image on a wall.
The people who were turning Ravenna into a magnificent Roman city didn’t want their religious art to fade, though. They wanted the vibrancy to be eternal. And so they turned to mosaics.
These mosaics in Ravenna were created using pieces of coloured glass. The way the glass was coloured means it won’t fade, so when the small pieces were stuck together on a wall or a ceiling, they created a scene that would stay that way for centuries.
Or even millennia.
Why are Ravenna’s mosaics so important?
Ravenna was the seat of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century and the mosaics created here during this period are some of the finest in the world, blending Graeco-Roman tradition and Christian iconography with oriental and Western styles.
How old are the mosaics in Ravenna?
All of the mosaics in Ravenna that are included in the World Heritage Site were created during the 5th and 6th centuries as decorations for buildings that were constructed in that period. The oldest are thought to be those in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, built between 425 and 450.
Where are the best Ravenna mosaics?
There are eight locations in Ravenna that make up the World Heritage Site because they are considered to be the best mosaics in Ravenna, each with their own special attributes. Of the eight, the Basilica of San Vitale is probably considered to be the most impressive.
I stand inside the Basilica of St Vitale, probably the most famous of Ravenna’s churches, and look up. The mosaics beam from every direction. They are over the whole apsis and altar area, on the triumphal arch, the vault, the dome, anywhere I look.
They are not just dramatic in their colour spectrum, they also have amazing detail in the design. The faces of the apostles are so sharp and realistic, it’s hard to imagine they were created by an artist using tiny pieces of glass.
The patterns are bold and give the interior a sense of life, of consciousness, as if it is a shimmering facsimile of the heavens or a magical projection under the canopy of a forest.
How you will feel here will be different for every person, but I find it hard to imagine that you won’t be moved in some way. And, of course, that is the point.
To get the most from what you’re seeing, a tour will help. I would recommend this excellent tour, which is also really good value!
There are eight different locations in Ravenna where the mosaics have been included in the World Heritage Site. Each is special in its own way, showing slightly different styles and different uses of space.
In a moment, I’ll go through what I think are the best Ravenna mosaics and how you can see the mosaics in Ravenna for yourself. But first, let’s take a look at their story.
History of the Ravenna mosaics
These mosaics in Ravenna, most created about 1500 years ago, were meant not only to inspire but also to educate.
They were artistic representations of the people and events that the religious leaders were talking about in their sermons. A priest could point to a scene from the life of Abraham as he explained the story to the congregation.
But, like most of the religious history at this period of time (perhaps always?), it was intertwined with politics. You’ll also find mosaics of political leaders and the events related to them and their empires.
In the Basilica of St Vitale, for example, you’ll find mosaics of Emperor Justinian I and his wife Theodora as the rulers of Ravenna, even though they never actually visited the city. There are quite a few artworks like this throughout the city.
One of the reasons that you find faith, fact, and fiction mixed together like this is because Ravenna was once an extremely important city. It was the seat of the Roman Empire in the 5th century and of Byzantine Italy until the 8th century.
This meant that there was a desire to make the city and its monuments magnificent, but also to leave a legacy of particular individuals here, immortalised in artwork that will never fade.
It also means you get an incredible blend of styles because of the different ruling empires and the city’s position as a trading centre. As you look through the different churches, you’ll see a blend of Graeco-Roman design, Christian iconography, and oriental and Western styles.
The mosaics are the largest and best preserved Byzantine mosaics outside of Istanbul, and some of the most important artworks from this period of history in Europe.
The styles of design and architecture were incredibly influential on other religious buildings across Italy and other parts of the continent for centuries.
Where to see the mosaics of Ravenna
When you’re visiting Ravenna, you’ll probably want to see some of the mosaics. Ravenna is a charming little city and has quite a few things to do – but it’s the artworks that are the highlight (and certainly worth the time if you’re already in the Emilia-Romagna region).
If you’re wondering where to start with visiting the mosaics of Ravenna, I would recommend taking a tour because there is so much fascinating information to learn.
Alternatively, UNESCO has already done some of the work for you. They have listed eight different locations as part of a World Heritage Site, and these represent the best of the Ravenna mosaics.
I have marked on a map here where each of them is. You’ll see that seven of them are in the city centre and are very easy to access. The other one is slightly out of town but is worth the effort, as I’ll explain in a moment.
While there are some consistent styles across the eight locations in Ravenna’s World Heritage Site, each of the locations has its own special attributes. It’s not just that there is a variety in the actual artworks, you’ll also realise that each building is trying to achieve something different.
The Basilica of St Vitale, for instance, is trying to awe a congregation with the sheer volume of exquisite mosaics, while the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is about honouring a single person.
At the Basilica of St Apollinare in Classe, the enormous church is imposing for its architecture alone, but the main mosaic here acts as a colourful backdrop for the altar, drawing in the focus.
Here, just briefly, is what you should expect at each of the eight locations that show the best of Ravenna’s mosaic art.
Basilica of St Vitale
I’ve already told you quite a lot about the mosaics in the Basilica of St Vitale, which was consecrated in 548 AD and is probably the most impressive of the sites. But it’s also worth mentioning that the architecture is very interesting, with the centre shaped like an octagon and rising up through different levels.
When you look at the artwork, take note of all the gold that is blended in with the colourful mosaics. It gives the whole church a sense that it’s glowing, even though it doesn’t have too many windows to let in the sun.
The Basilica of St Vitale is open at the following times:
9 March – 3 November: Every day from 09:00 – 19:00 (last admission 18:30).
4 November – 7 March: Every day from 10:00 – 17:00 (last admission 16:30).
The Basilica of St Vitale is part of the standard combination ticket (3 monuments) for โฌ10.50. Concession is โฌ9.50.
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Behind the Basilica of St Vitale, you’ll find the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. It’s a small unassuming building from around 450 AD, but inside is one of the best examples of mosaic work.
The upper walls are covered in mosaics, with themes from different traditions representing scenes about the victory of eternal life over death.
The most famous part of the ceiling is decorated with golden stars on a blue background. It’s said that the famous American songwriter Cole Porter visited the mausoleum and it inspired him to compose his hit ‘Night and Day’.
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is open at the following times:
9 March – 3 November: Every day from 09:00 – 19:00 (last admission 18:45).
4 November – 7 March: Every day from 10:00 – 17:00 (last admission 16:30).
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is part of the extended combination ticket (5 monuments) that costs โฌ10.50 and โฌ11.50 for concession.
Neonian Baptistry
The Neonian Baptistry is one of the oldest of the monuments in Ravenna, built at the start of the 4th century, with the interior artworks done later in the century.
It’s a relatively small building but the mosaics on the higher level are quite spectacular. The most striking one is at the centre of the dome, with a large medallion surrounding a scene of the Baptism of Christ. Images of the twelve apostles surround the image.
The Neonian Baptistry is open at the following times:
9 March – 3 November: Every day from 09:00 – 19:00 (last admission 18:45).
4 November – 7 March: Every day from 10:00 – 17:00 (last admission 16:30).
The Neonian Baptistry is part of the extended combination ticket (5 monuments) that costs โฌ10.50 and โฌ11.50 for concession.
Archiepiscopal Chapel
The mosaics in the Archiepiscopal Chapel are a good example of how the religious art of this time was often not neutral and was used to advance a particular ideology.
The images here aim to glorify Jesus from an anti-Arian perspective, to counteract a philosophy at the time that was going against the traditional idea of the Holy Trinity. In other words, they show Christ as a warrior and have all of his support in very dominant positions.
The Archiepiscopal Chapel is open at the following times:
9 March – 3 November: Every day from 09:00 – 19:00 (last admission 18:30).
4 November – 7 March: Every day from 10:00 – 17:00 (last admission 16:30).
The Archiepiscopal Chapel is part of the standard combination ticket (3 monuments) for โฌ10.50.
Basilica of St Apollinare Nuovo
The Basilica of St Apollinare Nuovo was built at the beginning of the 6th century but has the name ‘nuovo’ (new, in English) because it was renamed in honour of Saint Apollinaris later on. From the outside, it has an interesting architecture with a marble porch and a 10th-century bell tower.
Inside, the most important mosaics are the 26 different scenes showing the story of Christ. They’re not just beautifully made, but they are probably the oldest mosaic work of the New Testament in the world.
The Basilica of St Apollinare Nuovo is open at the following times:
9 March – 3 November: Every day from 09:00 – 19:00 (last admission 18:45).
4 November – 7 March: Every day from 10:00 – 17:00 (last admission 16:30).
The Basilica of St Apollinare Nuovo is part of the standard combination ticket (5 monuments) that costs โฌ10.50 and โฌ11.50 for concession.
Arian Baptistry
A lot of the decorations that would once have been inside the Arian Baptistry, like stucco artworks, haven’t survived but the mosaics in the cupola more than make up for it. The highlight is the scene of the Baptism of Christ, where you can see his naked body immersed in the water.
Again, the iconography here is intentionally designed to promote the Arian theory of Christianity, and you can see that in the large throne decorated with gems and topped by a cross.
The Arian Baptistry is open at the following times:
Monday to Friday: 9:00 โ 12:00
Saturdays and Sundays: 9:00 โ 12:00 / 14:00 โ 17:00.
A standard ticket for the Arian Baptistry is โฌ2.
Every first Sunday of the month admission to the Baptistery is free.
Admission is free also on the following dates: 7 February, 25 April, 2 June, 23 July, 30 August, 14 October, 4 November, and 7 December.
Mausoleum of Theodoric
The mausoleum was built by Theodoric, the king of the Ostrogoths and Visigoths, as his burial place. It is a distinctive building made of white stone that has two levels with a dome on the top.
Although it’s included in the World Heritage Site, it actually doesn’t have any mosaics so seems like the odd one out. It has been included on the list mainly because of its significance as the only remaining tomb of a barbarian king from this period.
The Mausoleum of Theodoric is open at the following times:
Tuesday to Thursday:ย 8:30 โ 13:30
Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, holidays:ย 8:30 โ 19:00
Last admission: 30 minutes before closing time.
A standard ticket for the Mausoleum of Theodoric is โฌ4 and a concession is โฌ2.
Every first Sunday of the month admission to the Mausoleum is free.
Admission is free also on the following dates: 7 February, 25 April, 2 June, 23 July, 30 August, 14 October, 4 November, and 7 December.
Basilica of St Apollinare in Classe
You’ll find the Basilica of St Apollinare in Classe about eight kilometres from the centre of Ravenna, but it’s definitely worth travelling out to see it. I think this is the second-most spectacular location on the list (after the Basilica of St Vitale).
The large space feels very light, with the high windows letting in a lot of sun. It brings a joyous atmosphere to the beautiful polychrome apse mosaics, that project a natural scene with plants and animals.
Above the green valley, is the enclosed disc with a starry sky and cross inside. Over it is the hand of God protruding from the clouds. It’s a dramatic scene and a masterpiece of Byzantine art.
The Basilica of St Apollinare in Classe is open at the following times:
Monday to Saturday: 08:30 โ 19:30
Sundays and religious holidays: 13:30 โ 19:30
Last admission: 30 minutes before closing time.
A standard ticket is โฌ5 and a concession is โฌ2.
Every first Sunday of the month admission to the Basilica is free.
Admission is free also on the following dates: 7 February, 25 April, 2 June, 23 July, 30 August, 14 October, 4 November, and 7 December.
Visiting the mosaics in Ravenna
Almost all the main sights with Ravenna’s best mosaics are in the city’s historic centre and it’s an easy walk between each of them.
In fact, if you were to walk between all of them, the total distance would only be about three kilometres.
The exception is the Basilica of St Apollinare in Classe, which is about eight kilometres from the centre. I would recommend making the effort to visit, though, because this is one of my favourite of the mosaic sites.
To get to the basilica, you can either catch the train to Classe station or catch the bus (line 4) that leaves from the Ravenna train station.
Although visiting eight different locations might seem like a lot, you will definitely get something different out of each of them, so I would definitely recommend trying to get to as many as you can.
There are a few different ticket combinations that will also mean you won’t spend too much to see each site, and I’ll go through those options in detail in a second.
But my suggestion for the best way to see the Ravenna mosaics is the combo ticket for โฌ12.50. With that, make sure you see the Basilica of St Vitale and Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, plus any others you have time for.
And then, if you’re interested in more, head out to Classe to see the Basilica of St Apollinare. Entry costs โฌ5 or you can get another combo ticket for โฌ10 which also gives entry to the Mausoleum of Theoderic and the Ravenna National Museum).
A few other things to mention about visiting the Ravenna mosaics:
- Because the monuments are places of worship, you’ll need to be respectfully dressed to enter.
- For conservation, the time you can spend in the Mausoleo of Galla Placidia and Neonian Baptistery is limited to five minutes during busy periods.
- For accessible access:
- Basilica of Saint Vitale and Mausoleo of Galla Placidia: There is an easy route for people with limited mobility. A Braille description is located at the entrance of the Basilica of St. Vitale.
- St. Apollinare Nuovo: There is access for mobility-impaired people.
- Archiepiscopal Museum: There are access and rooms for mobility-impaired people (including St. Andrewโs Chapel). Some rooms have braille descriptions and tactile boards.
- Neonian Baptistery: There is access for mobility-impaired people.
How much are the Ravenna mosaics entrance fees?
When it comes to buying tickets to see the Ravenna mosaics, there are a few things you need to know.
Firstly, you can buy a combined ticket to see three of the locations in the centre of Ravenna. For โฌ10.50 for full price (and โฌ9.50 for concession) you will get access to:
- Basilica of St Vitale
- Basilica of St Apollinare Nuovo
- Archiepiscopal Chapel
There’s also a combo ticket for 5 monuments that costs โฌ12.50 (or โฌ11.50 for concession). This gives you access to:
- Basilica of St Vitale
- Neonian Baptistry
- Basilica of St Apollinare Nuovo
- Archiepiscopal Chapel
- Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Both of these combo tickets are valid for seven days, so you don’t need to rush around and see each place right after the other.
For the other locations, you can buy individual entrance tickets. The costs are:
- Arian Baptistry: โฌ2 full price (no concession)
- Mausoleum of Theoderic: โฌ4 for full price (and โฌ2 for concession)
- Basilica of St Apollinare in Classe: โฌ5 for full price (โฌ2 for concession)
You can also buy a combined ticket for the Mausoleum of Theoderic, Basilica of St Apollinare in Classe, and the Ravenna National Museum for โฌ10, which is good value if you want to visit all three places.
You need to book your tickets in advance (and pick a date for each of the monuments!), or you can buy them at the ticket office of each of the monuments.
Tours of the Ravenna mosaics
It’s not just a matter of finding the most important sites for the mosaics in Ravenna, it’s also about experiencing them properly. When I have someone explain to me what these artworks represent, I get so much more out of it.
Like a lot of religious artwork, the scenes that are depicted here are full of symbolism and it’s fascinating to dive into the vibrancy, to add even more colour to what is already glittering.
This is one of those places where I really think you’ll get a lot more about what you’re seeing if you have someone to interpret it for you.
Luckily, there is this excellent guided tour, which goes to the top locations and is great value because it also includes your entrance fees.
If you’re looking for something else, there are some other good options here:
While you’re in Ravenna, I would also recommend visiting the studio of Luca Barberini, a local artist who takes a modern approach to mosaic art. He creates some pretty amazing works and it’s interesting to see how the tradition has evolved.
You will find lots of good Ravenna accommodation in the streets between the train station and the main historic sights in the historic centre.

There aren’t really any hostels in Ravenna, but you’ll get a great price at B&B Sole.
For a comfortable and affordable room right near the train station, I would suggest Hotel Ravenna.

With wonderful style in a historic building, I think you’ll love the atmosphere at Le Case Di San Vitale.
And you’ll find excellent modern luxury at the Palazzo Bezzi Hotel in the city centre.
Time Travel Turtle was a guest of Emilia Romagna Tourism but the opinions, over-written descriptions and bad jokes are his own.