Casa Artusi Cooking School

At the home of Pellegrino Artusi, the father of modern Italian cooking, you can join the Casa Artusi Cooking School.

Written by Michael Turtle

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle. A journalist for more than 20 years, he's been travelling the world since 2011.

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle and has been travelling full time for a decade.


A cooking class at Casa Artusi

In the small Italian town of Forlimpopoli, a man called Pellegrino Artusi created the definitive Italian cookbook, called The Science of Cooking and the Art of Eating Well.

Even though it was published in the 1800s, it's still considered to be one of the best, which is why visiting Casa Artusi to see his library and do a cooking class is such a special experience.

Italy’s most famous cookbook was not put together by a chef. In fact, he is rarely even described as a cook – although cooking was a hobby.

No, Italy’s most famous cookbook was written by a rich merchant who retired early and had a lot of time on his hands.

This is not to take any credit away from him, because Pellegrino Artusi was to create a book that would define Italian cooking for the first time in history.

Pellegrino Artusi’s cookbook

The cookbook I’m referring to is called ‘La scienza in cucina e l’arte di mangiar bene’ in Italian, which translates as ‘The Science of Cooking and the Art of Eating Well”.

Perhaps he gives away his background by (I think, incorrectly) calling cooking a science, rather than an art. But I’ll agree with the second half – that there are many creative ways to eat well!

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

Artusi put together his cookbook by travelling the country and collecting different recipes. He would try eating them, and he would try cooking them, and he then wrote about them – often with some amusing anecdotes.

When he published it in 1891, it was just 20 years after the unification of Italy. The country was brand new and made up of many regions that had individual cultures, long and deep, and their own unique cuisines.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

To compile all of this into one book was modern and exciting, and one of the reasons it became a hit and is still a phenomenon today.

Visiting Casa Artusi

Artusi was born in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, in a little town called Forlimpopoli, which has a population these days of around 15,000 people.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

Not long after I arrive here, a local woman comes up to me as she is walking home from the small market being held in the town square.

She asks where I’m from and I tell her Australia. Her eyes light up like she can’t believe it. Someone has come all the way from Australia to her little Italian town! She almost seems to skip away in excitement.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

Of course, it is not so strange that someone would want to visit Forlimpopoli, because the home of Pellegrino Artusi has been transformed into a culinary centre.

It’s called Casa Artusi and it’s a celebration of his life and work – and, more importantly, a celebration of what Italian food stands for.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

Casa Artusi has a large room dedicated to Pellegrino Artusi where you’ll find copies of different editions of the Artusi cookbook, many of them translated into different languages (a Japanese edition will be released next year). There are also other items related to his journeys across Italy and the collection of recipes.

The woman showing me around, knowing what I do, jokes that “perhaps he was Italy’s first food blogger”.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

One of the main areas here now is called ‘The Gastronomic Culture Centre’. You can visit it with a guided tour that takes you through the courtyard, the recipe gallery, the Church of the Servi di Maria, the loggia, the gastronomic library, the memorabilia of Pellegrino Artusi, and the cooking school.

All in all, it’s a 45 minute tour with lots of great explanation about the life of Pellegrino Artusi and his legacy for Italian cooking.

The tours are only available at the following times:
Monday: 14:00 – 18:00
Tuesday and Wednesday: 9:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

The tour costs €8 per person.

If you visit Casa Artusi outside of the tour time, there’s still an area you can see. Known as the Pellegrino Artusi Municipal Library, it is full of books about cooking and food. These cover all sorts of cuisines and cooks and are not directly related to Artusi himself.

It’s aimed at both the casual cook who wants to come and get some ideas, as well as researchers who want to be able to compare the work of different chefs and regions.

The Pellegrino Artusi Municipal Library is open at the following times:
Monday/Thursday/Friday: 14:00 – 19:00
Tuesday/Wednesday/Saturday: 8:30 – 12:30
Sunday: Closed

Casa Artusi cooking classes

But there’s another room that is of much more interest to me today – it’s the cooking school.

By the last edition of his cookbook, Pellegrino Artusi had collected 790 recipes. Here at the cooking school in his old house, I am going to try to make some of them.

Of course, I’m getting some help. First, the main teacher, Carla, demonstrates to the class how to make the dishes. We sit in stadium seating (drinking coffee, of course) as she shows us the right ingredients and the the right way to turn them into the dough that will become pasta.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

I try to take mental notes but I know from previous experience that even the things that look simple will prove to be hard when I try to do it myself.

Luckily, this is no ordinary cooking class. After the main teacher has demonstrated everything and I go to my cooking station, I’m joined by another woman who is going to help me and my neighbour through the process.

There are about 8 of these women and they are all local volunteers. They come here for the love of the food and, probably even more so, the love of sharing the food.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

They have the nickname ‘Mariettes’, named after Marietta Sabatini, who was the maid and cook for Pellegrino Artusi (whom he remembered in his will, she was so important to him). In total, there are 140 of them (and, although most are women, there are some men).

They will be here for the whole class to help us, but there’s a warning – we can’t go overtime because they all have to go home and cook lunch for their families!

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

The first of the Artusi recipes that I tackle is number 7 – ‘Cappelletti Romagna style’.

The cappelletti are small pieces of pasta that are shaped like hats so that they’re not too heavy to eat. In his recipe, Artusi offers the instructions of how to make them… but also a bit of texture.

“Cook the cappelletti in the capon broth, as they do in Romagna, where, on Christmas day, you will find braggarts claiming to have eaten a hundred of them. This can also suffice to kill you, however, as happened to a friend of mine. For a moderate eater, a couple of dozen cappelletti will be enough.”

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

Artusi’s style of writing is a perfect fit for the style of the Mariette who is helping me. Her real name is Delia and she speaks enough English to constantly compliment me, even as she deftly fixes my mistakes.

We laugh the whole time, the cooking almost becoming secondary to our chatting and playful antics.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

I hardly realise that we’ve moved on to Artusi recipe number 71 – ‘Tagliatelle Romagna style’ – where I cut the folded pasta sheet into strips and then unravel them by lifting them up on the edge of the knife.

Meanwhile, Carla is making the sauce from recipe number 104 – ‘Country-style spaghetti’ – to go with the tagliatelle.

After all the cooking, and all the laughter, the Mariettes head home to their families and the rest of us sit down to eat what we have created.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

If you would like to join a cooking class, there are several different menus you can choose from, including piadina romagnola (the typical flat bread of the region), fresh pasta, lasagne, gnocchi, risotto… and more!

There are no set times or days for the cooking classes and the cost will be determined by the exact menu, additions, and numbers.
To find out more information, get in contact with Casa Artusi here.

It’s no coincidence that the recipes chosen from the Artusi cookbook are those from the Emilia-Romagna region.

Of course, that’s partly because it’s where we are at the moment. But it’s also because this is generally considered as the food bowl of Italy. Some of the best produce is grown here and, as a result, some of the most iconic recipes were developed here.

Casa Artusi Cooking School, Italy

Artusi Pellegrino may have united the country through food, but it’s fitting that he’s commemorated here in his home of Emilia-Romagna.

Time Travel Turtle was a guest of Emilia Romagna Tourism but the opinions, over-written descriptions and bad jokes are his own.

2 thoughts on “Casa Artusi Cooking School”

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