kalimantan orangutans

Orangutans in Borneo

Up close with orangutans at Tanjung Puting NP in Kalimantan, Indonesia. How you can visit and see them for yourself in Borneo. Photos and stories here.

cap de creus, natural park, catalonia, spain, salvador dali inspiration

The inspiration of Salvador Dali

The Spanish artist, Salvador Dali, found his inspiration here at the Cap de Creus Natural Park as a child… including for his work ‘The Great Masturbator’

saklikent gorge

Through the river to the canyon

Not far from the Turkish city of Fethiye, is Saklikent Gorge. It is definitely worth the trip to see it if you are nearby… and don’t be afraid to explore.

arouca geopark

The stones that give birth

The Arouca Geopark in Portugal has been specially classified because of the stones within it. But you don’t need to be a geologist to enjoy the beauty.

pamukkale thermal pools

Turkish travertines

The stunning white travertines of Pamukkale are one of the most beautiful natural sights in Turkey. For centuries the waters have been used for healing.