bang pa in palace

The Royal Summer Palace of Thailand

The Royal Palace at Bang Pa-in is just north of Bangkok and definitely worth a visit. Enjoy the beautiful grounds and variance in architecture.

things to do in luxembourg city

Visiting Luxembourg City

Luxembourg, the capital of Luxembourg, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s also a beautiful place to visit, off the typical tourist trail of West Europe.

things to do in echternach

The oldest town in Luxembourg

The first town to be formed in Luxembourg was here at Echternach, after an abbey was constructed in the year 700. It’s a great place to see some history.

vianden castle

Visit Vianden Castle

The castle in the Luxembourg town of Vianden is one of the most iconic buildings in the country. It has now been restored to its impressive former glory.

things to do in ferrara

Withstanding an earthquake

The city and UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ferrara in Italy is pretty tough. You won’t believe what it’s survived over the centuries!